• Utility of Anchors in Perceptual Assessment of Dysarthria
    • This project involves collecting speech samples from individuals with neurodegenerative diseases (PD, ALS) and neurologically healthy controls. Listeners will rate these speech samples using different rating scales in two conditions (with and without anchors). We will compare the ratings to determine if anchors improve subjective judgments of dysarthric speech.
  • Properties of Visual Analog Scales (VAS)
    • This project involves listeners rating different speech features using the VAS. We will use these ratings to determine scale properties and scale fit for different dysarthria features.
  • Voice Synthesis for Individuals with Progressive Speech Loss
    • This project involves speech sample collection from individuals with ALS and processing of the collected audio samples to develop personalized synthetic voices to improve their quality of communication life.
  • Speech Motor Performance as a Function of Articulatory Complexity in Dysarthria
    • Using kinematic data collection and analysis methods, the changes in articulatory motor performance across performance demand tiers will be compared between clinical groups such as PD and ALS.